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Dragon Rigger (Star Rigger)

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A realm at war. The star dragons struggle under the oppression of an unseen foe—a creature of terrible power, who seeks to shape all of space-time into a web of subjugation and death. The Dream Mountain, source of knowledge and life to the dragons, is held by the enemy; and yet, hope burns in the dragons’ hearts. According to ancient prophecy, One will come from outside to challenge the darkness. Star pilot Jael LeBrae may be that savior. Once before, she aided the dragons in their struggle, and now she must return to face at last the terrible wrath of Tar-skel. But if the prophecy holds true, the price of victory over the darkness will be Jael’s own life.

Captivating sequel to Dragons in the Stars, Dragon Rigger is science fiction with mythic dimension, from the Nebula-nominated author of Eternity’s End and The Chaos Chronicles.

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3 thoughts on “Dragon Rigger (Star Rigger)

  1. Great sequel to Dragons in the Stars. Should be a 6.0 Great sequel to Dragons in the Stars. Been wondering what happened to Jael. Hope this isn’t the last we’ll see of her. The Dragons and their world under attack, Jael runs across another rigger who saw and fought dragons, and Jael, Ed and Ar return. Mayhem ensues when they are caught up in the war with an ancient prophecy in the background. Great Job.

  2. Fantasy wrapped in a science fiction shell This really felt like a fantasy wrapped in a science fiction shell. Both parts were well written, but it seemed the fantasy story dominated the novel. I enjoyed it quite a lot, but I don’t know if I will read more in the wider series yet. If there were another with a focus (even minor) on the dragons, I certainly would.I think you need to like both science fiction and fantasy to enjoy this book. If you do, I urge you to start with Dragons in the Stars and continue on to this one.

  3. Didn’t quite take me there Reading this story was at times frustrating, interesting, able to draw you in, yet almost wanting to put it down. I kept at it since the frustration came in waves and I was curious how it would end. 

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