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Dragon Rose: Tales of the Latter Kingdoms

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The shadow of the cursed Dragon Lord has hung over the town of Lirinsholme for centuries, and no one ever knows when the Dragon will claim his next doomed bride. Rhianne Menyon has dreams of being a painter, but her world changes forever when a single moment of sacrifice brings her to Black’s Keep as the Dragon’s latest bride.

As she attempts to adjust to her new life – and to know something of the monster who is now her husband – she begins to see that the curse is far crueler than she first believed. Unraveling the mystery of what happened to the Dragon’s brides is only the beginning…

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3 thoughts on “Dragon Rose: Tales of the Latter Kingdoms

  1. Beauty and the Dragon I sat down to read the first chapter or two of Dragon Rose, by Christine Pope, and ended up being unable to put it down until I had reached the end. I’m one of those people who can’t get enough Beauty and the Beast retellings, and Pope’s draconic twist was a unique take on the tale. Despite being very familiar with the Beauty and the Beast structure, there were many times when I was left in doubt as to what would come next. 

  2. Interesting take on the fairy tale Let me start my review by saying that I am obsessed (probably to an unhealthy degree), with fairy tales. That being said, I am always on the lookout for fresh takes on a classic tale. 

  3. Potential to be great but falls flat First let me say I LOVE the idea of this book. I love the concept. The author definitely has a way with words and her descriptiveness is really well done. For that I would give this book 2.5 stars. But that’s about it. I do NOT understand the 5 star reviews. Come on people. 5 stars?! The story starts out promising with a mysterious dragon prince and a brave young woman volunteering to be his bride so that her good friend can marry the man she loves. But once at the castle the author…

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