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Dragonmark: Dark-Hunter, Book 27

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Centuries ago, Illarion was betrayed – a dragon made human against his will, then forced to serve humanity as a dragonmount in their army, and to fight for them in barbaric wars, even while he hated everything about them. Enslaved and separated from everyone he knew and from his own dragon brothers, he was forced into exile in a fey realm where he lost the only thing he ever really loved.

Now he has a chance to regain what’s been lost – to have the one thing he covets most. But only if he gives up his brothers and forsakes the oaths he holds most dear. Yet what terrifies him most isn’t the cost his happiness might incur, it’s the fact that there is just enough human in his dragon’s heart that he might actually be willing to pay it and betray everything and everyone – to see the entire world burn….

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3 thoughts on “Dragonmark: Dark-Hunter, Book 27

  1. Could have Been Better Usually I love Kenyon’s novels and I looked forward to this novel so much that I paid the 15 dollar cost to preorder this novel and sadly I was disappointed. More than half of the book was a word for word copy from Son of No One and Dragonbane. I normally love her writing but her last few novels have not been great. I know she could have developed more of Illarion and Edilyn’s story, maybe embellished more on their time in the grey world. They spent 10 years there and it glossed over it, only…

  2. Disappointing…. Just lost the review I had written, will attempt to rewrite later but suffice to say I would wait till it comes down in price. Disappointing from such a wonderful author.Especially the fact that a large portion of the book is copied from previous books (with minor changes that don’t affect the story)As someone with very little money I had to choose between this and Harry Potter and for the first time I regret buying an Kenyon book 🙁

  3. Terrible. Terrible, terrible. I have been a fan of the Dark-Hunters since Night Pleasures came out, have spent countless hours discussing the series, have recommended it high and low to lovers of both romance and fantasy. And I have never, ever been more disappointed both in a book and in an author. 

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