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Deep below a desolate Utah mountain lies the largest platinum deposit ever discovered. A billion-dollar find, it waits for any company that can drill a world’s record, three-mile-deep mine shaft. EarthCore is the company with the technology, the resources, and the guts to go after the mother lode. Young executive Connell Kirkland is the company’s driving force, pushing himself and those around him to uncover the massive treasure. But at three miles below the surface, where the rocks are so hot they burn bare skin, something has been waiting for centuries. Waiting…and guarding. Kirkland and EarthCore are about to find out first-hand why this treasure has never been unearthed.

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3 thoughts on “Earthcore

  1. and lots and LOTs of violence! Scott Sigler writes great stories for podcast that just happen to also rock on the printed page.His charaters are memorable although not allways the most fleshed out. Is this a flaw? I don’t think so, I think its to keep his JUNKIES guessing! 

  2. Must read for anyone into Sc-Fi, Monsters and adventure! WOW!! My first impression 50 pages into this book was “WOW” and that did not change one iota after finishing it. After reading Contagion and it’s predecessor by Scott Sigler, I could not wait to get my hands on anything else written by him. Earthcore is incredibly hard to find a copy of – especially if you want it both in English and at an affordable price, but it is absolutely worth the effort and the inflated used book price. (This is coming from someone who tries to never pay more than $10…

  3. An Intense Journey With A Climactic Ending Sonny McGuiness, an old prospector for years, converses with a Hopi Indian named Dennis about the “silver springs”, a legendary location for untold riches. Dennis give Sonny directions but warns him that the Wah Wah Mountains in Utah are cursed. When Sonny finds the claim, he feels something strange around him and wonders how much of Dennis’s tale was true. But creepy feelings aren’t enough to stop Sonny, especially when he discovers that the “silver” is really an unusually pure mass of…

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