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Easy Nights

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The Boudreaux Series – Sexy. Intriguing. Easy.

No one said change was easy….

Savannah Boudreaux knows what it is to hurt. To bleed. To be afraid that the man she’s promised to be true to until “death do us part” might in fact separate them far sooner than anyone had ever anticipated. But Van also knows what it is to survive. To move on. To live life to the fullest. With five brothers and sisters and a loving mother as her constant source of strength during the pain and the healing, Van realizes there is little else she needs. But some things never change….

Benjamin Preston sat on the sidelines of the Boudreaux family for years, in love with a woman he couldn’t have. As the best friend of the Boudreaux brothers since childhood, Ben has seen both tragedies and joys in the family. And as a former MMA fighter and Krav Maga expert, Ben’s used to fighting for what he wants – and winning. His hands were tied when Savannah married her college sweetheart not long after graduation, but now two years have passed since Ben found Savannah broken in her own home.

Sometimes what you need most has been right in front of you the whole time….

Van’s convinced that happiness isn’t in the cards for her, no matter how right it feels to be in Ben’s strong arms – and his bed. Ben is determined to win her heart and fight for her trust. He’s promised to protect her, to be her friend. But more than anything, he wants to finally make her his, and this is one fight he’s not willing to lose.

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3 thoughts on “Easy Nights

  1. Easy Love, I have been waiting for this book Ever since I read the first book in this series, Easy Love, I have been waiting for this book. When Ben Porter, best friend of the Boudreaux boys, was there for their sister, Savannah, at her lowest point, the connection between them was clear. It’s been a long and arduous journey for Savannah, but their time has finally come, and after six books of longing glances and building chemistry, and the rest of her siblings getting their HEAs, I was so excited to finally get my hands on Ben and…

  2. 4.25 Van & Ben Stars! A sexy, enticing, sultry romance that will leave you swooning for your very own Benjamin Preston!!! Yes ladies, Kristen Proby reunites us with our favorite New Orleans family, The Boudreaux. If you have been following this series, then you are all aware that each sibling have found love and now it’s time for Savannah Boudreaux to finally get her own happily ever after just like her siblings. 

  3. Love it! Where do I begin?! I have waited for Van’s story since the first book! It does not disappoint at all! Best book of the series!! Sad to see the series end however it’s well worth the read!

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