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Eat Green Make Green: How Adopting a Vegan Diet Took My Life & Career to the Next Level

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In the summer of 2015, broke and defeated after two years of failing at my first startup, I moved out of my Boston apartment and back home to Mom and Dad’s. With the pressure of rent and food no longer plaguing me, I had time to reflect on the previous years from both a business and personal standpoint. Where did I go wrong? What could I have done better?

I decided to start reading and experimenting more with diet and exercise, maximizing productivity, improving my relationships, and bettering myself as a whole. I soon found out that one of those things (diet!) drastically impacted all the others.

Through trial and error, I learned that eating whole plant foods and avoiding meat, dairy, and processed foods had me feeling invincible. As I gradually made a transition to becoming vegan, my life started to change.

At the end of 2015, I sold the majority stake of my business to a venture capital firm in Singapore. I literally went from living and running my business in my parents’ basement to selling it to an entity on the other side of the world. What’s crazy is, I truly believe that adopting a whole food vegan diet was the catalyst for it all to happen.

Eat Green Make Green details entrepreneur Pat McAuley’s life-changing experience with food and why he credits plants for his success. Pat explores the many benefits he experienced by adopting a vegan lifestyle and why you should too!

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3 thoughts on “Eat Green Make Green: How Adopting a Vegan Diet Took My Life & Career to the Next Level

  1. Not just a great book, but a great story. Deep message. Worth Reading. Eat Green Make Green is a great book on many levels. There are the health benefits of the lifestyle that Pat preaches; there’s the positive effect on the environment (due to said lifestyle) that Pat talks about, there’s the karmic benefit of choosing a life of compassion that Pat describes; and so on and so forth. The storytelling here is top notch and so relatable. The message is deep and of the utmost importance. It’s a quick read yet is written very well and is thoroughly engaging. You…

  2. A MUST READ for those who want to be healthier, happier, and more successful. Eat Green Make Green is a must read for anyone looking to change their life for the better. The author provides personal stories and anecdotes detailing what motivated him adopt a vegan diet and the extraordinary results he achieved. The book is easy and fun to read and most importantly, provides a road map for all who want to be healthier and be more successful both personally and professionally.

  3. Good read for anyone looking for adopt a plant based lifestyle. I read Pat’s book because he is a friend of a friend and I was interested in seeing if he had anything new to report. I’ve been vegan-ish for almost 4 years now but I realize that I’ve been slacking a lot and was not eating enough fruits and veggies. Pat’s book was very readable, informative and entertaining. He could have skipped the F bombs in a few places but they also made me laugh out loud in other places. I really liked how Pat has done his research and quotes reputable sources like…

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