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Emerald Buddha (Drake Ramsey)

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Drake, Allie, and Spencer reunite in Emerald Buddha, the second Drake Ramsey adventure – a quest to locate the lost treasure of the Khmer Empire, secreted away in a hidden temple somewhere in Myanmar. But nothing is as it seems, and their archaeological expedition soon turns deadly when desperate factions target them in order to safeguard a secret that could topple the US government.

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3 thoughts on “Emerald Buddha (Drake Ramsey)

  1. Another great adventure! I really enjoyed this second Drake Ramsey book! I loved the description, adventures and humor! I sure hope there will be a 3rd adventure coming soon!

  2. Another great read! Easy read as usual from Mr. Blake. He keeps you riveted page to page. On to the third book in the series, The Goddess Legacy. I have it on good information that this is his favorite in the series, he told me so. That being said he probably just wanted to sell another book so he could buy another tequila drink 😉

  3. Hold on to your hats! This was an interesting novel. Of course the book was fiction. But there were many interesting facts written about the area that are true. I leave that comment to the reader to ascertain which facts are true or false. There was no let down in keeping the novel flowing in what is next. I particularly was interested how the author kept the plot moving to find the Emerald Buddha. Maybe some day you will find your own treasure.

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