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Emphatic: Souls Serenade Series, Book 1

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There comes a point in your life where you have to say enough is enough. I wasted my college years on a guy who played with my head, played with my heart. I was blinded by the fairy tale, the one that didn’t exist. The day I gave up on the idea of happily ever after, my focus became me. Moving forward and establishing my career. Until one day….

I didn’t expect him. My new boss, a six foot two, inked rock god. I believed I was working for the record label – I was wrong. It’s impossible for me to keep my distance; believe me, I’ve tried. He’s not who I expected him to be. He’s so much more…he’s emphatic.

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3 thoughts on “Emphatic: Souls Serenade Series, Book 1

  1. Honestly this only got one star because it’s the minimum. Omg I hate to say this because I love Kaylee Ryan so much but this book is so overly cheesy. The characters are totally 2 dimensional. No one had substance, flaws, quirks or even personality. Please take my advice. Don’t waste your money or time like I did.

  2. Great! Logan spent the last 3 years in a relationship with a guy who cheated and wasted her time. She’s not looking for a relationship, she wants to spend time focusing on herself. She just graduated college and is starting her new career for a music label in a week. Before she starts her new life, she goes to Hawaii for a week with her best friend. When enjoying some time on the beach, she meets a friendly, inked, gorgeous man and feels an instant attraction to him. Kacen is on break from…

  3. No adventure, no excitement. It was a clean-cut story from the get-go. No drama whatsoever. Therefore, not a real life drama. Everything did go way toto smoothly. So it was easy to guess the end almıştı from the beginning.

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