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Etna Station: Zombie Fallout, Book 11

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Getting to Etna Station is all that matters. 

With the world rapidly collapsing around them, Mike and company make a desperate trek to reach what they believe to be a safe haven. Can they outrun the demons that chase them? Will they succumb to Knox and his tyrannical army or Payne, a revenge-bent vampire? New friends will be made along the way while some old ones will fall. If they make it, will it be all they hoped or just another nightmare?

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3 thoughts on “Etna Station: Zombie Fallout, Book 11

  1. Zombies, Vampires and Knox, oh my! I didn’t even realize that the new Zombie Fallout book was coming out on the 22nd. I was waiting on the delivery of my copy of the new SK novel released on the same day. It wasn’t coming until Thursday and I was thrilled to get the new ZF book. Well, my new SK book came and as excited as I am to start reading it, I put it aside to finish ZF11. Each Zombie Fallout book gets better than the last and that is saying a lot since the first one was superb. I love riding along with the Talbot’s as…

  2. Tufo’s done it again A real ride this book has turned out to be. Laughing out funny at times and crying at others. You can never go wrong with Mark Tufo’s Writing style he literally sucks you into the story and you fall in love with the the characters. They feel so real. Thank you for another incredible book.

  3. Family reunion time! Reading a new Zombie Fallout book by Mark Tufo is like attending a Family Reunion full of people you actually WANT to spend time with. I know this is a Zombie book, but the characters Mark writes are so freakin’ real, that to me, they are the stand out of the book. There are even moments when you kind of secretly wish they could take the place of a few…well, maybe more than a few of your own family members. This is a very character driven series that even had it’s own Tufonisms that you…

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