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Fangs for the Memories

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Join Half-Moon Hollow’s favorite couple for a trip down memory lane – to a time when Mr. Wainwright was newly dead, Jane Jameson was a newbie vampire, and a budding paranormal romance was not yet uncorked….

Half-Moon Hollow’s supernatural social event of the season – Zeb’s Titanic-themed werewolf wedding – is coming up, and Dick Cheney (not that Dick Cheney!) needs a date. But Andrea’s had enough of clever, handsome, and rakish to last a lifetime, and Dick Cheney is certainly not the sort of man you bring home to mom (not that Andrea’s deadist parents are speaking to her ever since she dropped out of college and became a blood surrogate). Shameless, relentless, roguish, with a Stetson-worthy swagger, a naughty sparkle in his eyes, and a constant smirk – oh, and fangs – no, Dick is the last person (er…vampire) Andrea wants to date.

But the infuriatingly irresistible man who lives quietly on the edge of a criminal underworld knows exactly what he wants, and once he surprises Andrea with a thrilling hot and dirty kiss behind the paranormal bookshop, she knows what she wants too: Dick. All it takes to ignite their unconventional courtship is a near-undeath experience that confronts Dick with a choice between turning Andrea, losing her forever, or tapping in to his countless shady resources.

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3 thoughts on “Fangs for the Memories

  1. Left me wanting more! Finally and insight into Dick and Andrea’s story! I really loved hearing things from their point of view but I just wish it had a little more meat to it, it left me wanting more. I know it was just a little novella but when she wrote Gigi’s novella before her full novel it was almost twice as long, as well as her Undead Sublet anthology book. So that was a little disappointing. Don’t get me wrong this story was really good and I very much enjoyed it I just wish I got to hear more of their story…

  2. A fun little treat for fans of the series I’m a huge fan of the Half-Moon hollows series. There’s just something so comforting about them. In fact this series is one of my favorites to listen to on audio for rereads. And with each new book, I always know I’ll get a solid block of entertainment and hilarity that will have me laughing out loud. Fangs for the Memories is no exception. This one is a bit different from the rest of the series as it goes back a bit in time to the beginning of Dick and Andrea’s relationship. I’ve always wanted…

  3. A snippet for half Moon hollow lovers. I received an ARC of this book from the Publisher, via Netgalley, this does not affect my opinion of this book or the content of my review. 

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