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Fate of Perfection

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In a corporate-controlled future where the ruling conglomerates genetically engineer their employees, Millicent Foster is the best of the best.

Physically perfect and exceptionally intelligent, Millicent is granted the uncommon privilege of breeding. But her daughter inherits more than superior genetics…little Marie has a rare ability that the world has never seen, and her conglomerate, Moxidone, will stop at nothing to have sole possession of the child.

Teamed with Ryker, the formidable master of security, Millicent must risk everything in a life-and-death struggle to tear her daughter away from the ruling force who wants to own them all. The odds are stacked against them, but Moxidone will learn that the pursuit of perfection comes at a perilous cost―and that love can’t be bought at any price.

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3 thoughts on “Fate of Perfection

  1. A great start to a new series! When your life is not your own and natural instincts are anathema to the society you live in, something as basic as a mother’s love can be a treasonous offence. This is the world of our protagonist Millicent, an exceptional woman who unexpectedly finds herself in a position of emotion and risk when her life up until this point has been structured and near single-mindedly focused. 

  2. New series from a favorite author Fate of Perfection follows Millicent Foster as she fights against the conglomerate that has ruled her every aspect of her life in order to provide her child with a better existence. 

  3. Futuristic and fun I enjoy this author’s writing and looked forward to a book with different characters. I really like the premise of the book, set in the future with Millicent as the main character who has been bred and raised to be a weapon designer expert. She has little connection to other humans in an emotional way but that all changes when she is selected to be one of the very few allowed to become pregnant. After she has the baby, she is emotionally attached to the child in a way she could never have…

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