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What would you do if you woke up to the sound of screaming….

in the trunk of a car….

beside a dead cop….

with no idea where you were….

or why….

or when?

In Flash, Troy and Emmy are about to find out.

Imagine The Bourne Identity meets The Firm.

Two blood-spattered strangers awake, locked in the trunk of a car – with a murdered cop and the smoking gun. Aside from raging headaches and no idea what’s happened, they appear to have nothing in common. Troy thinks it’s 2001 and he’s still a combat surgeon fighting terrorists in Afghanistan. Emmy believes it’s 2002 and she’s still grifting a living from the streets of L.A.

Are they archenemies or co-conspirators? Lovers or friends? What are they doing in the Caribbean, and why is a Croatian assassin determined to kill them? The only thing they know for certain is that they’ll be spending the rest of their lives in prison if the police catch them before they learn the truth.

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3 thoughts on "Flash"

  1. Christina Brett says:

    EXCELLENT CHOICE, DON’T MISS IT! FLASH is one of those stories that makes the reader skip lunch and dinner just to keep reading. I read until 2:40 AM last night and couldn’t put it down until I reached the last page. Now, with blurry eyes and in my 174th yawn of the day, I want to share with other readers this excellent writer that I found. Oh, yes… he has been here for time now, but to me he’s new and I thoroughly enjoy his writing. Characters that make you love them or hate them, but that you know they were created for…

  2. Robert Enzenauer says:

    Great Read – Great Characters – Great Plot – a GREAT THRILLER If you like BRAD THOR, or VINCE FLYNN, or BRIAN HAIG, or as the author suggests LEE CHILD, or DAVID BALDACCI, your will love TIM TIGNER. Although the third of Tigner’s published books, I picked up FLASH first because the hero is a combat veteran from Afghanistan. The action is very fast-paced. The reader is hooked from the first sentence: “Troy awoke to the sound of screaming. That was not unusual for a combat surgeon, but hearing soprano was.” Tigner writes an exciting morality play…

  3. G.L.H. says:

    SURPRISED ME-WOW! I liked the reviews but noticed there weren’t a lot written by females and I’m not normally a big spy or what sounds a little like vicious action…but this was sooo good! It really grabbed and entertained me-to the point that I’m still thinking about the character even after I’ve finished the book. In fact, although I feel like I have to write this so others get the chance to read it, I really want to start the next book by him I that I just bought. Quick and short-this story is the kind…

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