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Flinx in Flux (A Pip and Flinx Adventure)

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When Flinx, no stranger to galactic intrigue, found an unconscious woman on a riverbank deep in the jungles of Alaspin, he took it in stride. When he learned that the woman, Clarity Held, was a brilliant scientist abducted from a remote outpost on inhospitable Longtunnel by a group of fanatic assassins, he tried to help the beautiful Clarity back to her project. Unfortunately, the assassins were still at work. They would do anything to stop the research on Longtunnel and would kill anyone or anything that got in their way.

BONUS AUDIO: Includes an exclusive introduction written and read by author Alan Dean Foster.

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3 thoughts on “Flinx in Flux (A Pip and Flinx Adventure)

  1. A must-read sci-fi book This is one of my favorite series by a great author who also wrote some of the Star Wars and Star Trek stories, A Great find, price and well worth ordering/reading, if you like sci-fi stories where the main character is young but possess understanding and reasoning capabilities far more mature than his years also possess and exercises compassion, has an emotional empathic link with an Alispian flying snake whose venom is lethal. This particular book sees Flinx falling for a gengineer he…

  2. Get the Preview First Be smarter than I was: Read the free sample before you buy this book. If you aren’t rolling your eyes by page three, you might enjoy it. I just couldn’t take the thinner-than-cardboard villains practically wringing their hands and going “MwaHahahahaha!” Also, the current, real world ideological bent was troweled on a bit thick for a far-future fantasy. 

  3. Would be a 5star book if… If the book were to be re-edited, especially for the explosion of mis-used commas and other grammatical errors this would be a 5 star addition to the universe of the Flinx saga. Sadly, though I love Flinx like my own son, the grammar is so overwhelmingly poor that it detracts from the very story. Please fix this-Flinx is a dear, old friend.

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