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Forced Ascent (The Demon Accords)

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Book Seven of the Demon Accords. Chris Gordon has never had an easy relationship with the White House. Now, after rescuing his goddaughter from a secret base in New Hampshire, it’s reached a new low. You drop one little asteroid onto the continental United States and the entire government goes crazy. On top of that Halloween is fast approaching and demons are popping through into our world every which way. Forced into the world of high-level politics, Chris and Tanya and their merry crew will have to stay two steps ahead of just about everyone if they’re going to have a chance in hell of preventing all Hell from breaking loose.

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3 thoughts on “Forced Ascent (The Demon Accords)

  1. Stop at book 6. Fair warning, this review is going to be for pretty much all the books up to and including this one. I have long considered writing this review as I both love and hate this series. So many things done right, and then the author caves to his critics and it’s frustrating to see him sell out. Overall BEFORE this book I will give the series a 4 star review. I am going to throw out a recommendation to all readers who have loves this series to NOT buy this book. Read Book 6, be happy for what…

  2. good, but less than previous books I really do love this series and the author’s writing style. I’ve re-read most of it several times. However, this book shows clear signs of the degradation in plot and character development I’ve come to expect in the later books of any series. Understandably, authors seem tire of finding something original for the main characters to do or say. In Forced Ascent, with the exception of the PR angle, there wasn’t much that was new. Same good guys. Same bad guys. Same conflict. Same results…

  3. An enjoyable addition, but… Chris has made an overwhelming statement of his concerns, by pulling down an asteroid. This hasn’t gone over all that well with the U.S. government, and their attempts to threaten and control him increase. 

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