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Four Week Fiancé

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What would you do if the hottest man on Earth made you an offer you couldn’t refuse?

What if it was the offer of a lifetime? The sort of offer that would make you blush as he offered you whatever you wanted to make you accept. What if the offers were so spicy, so naughty, and so scandalous that you wouldn’t even want to tell your best friend?

If you were me, you would say yes.

There are three things you should know: His name is TJ Walker. He’s 28, hot as can be, and he’s my brother’s best friend.

TJ asked me to be his fiancé for four weeks. I’m hoping to make the engagement real.

I know. I can’t believe it either. What am I thinking? There are so many things that could go wrong by accepting to be TJ’s four-week fiancé. But, I can’t stop thinking that there are also so many things that could go right.

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3 thoughts on “Four Week Fiancé

  1. This book went beyond my expectations and I love it only one problem I NEED PART 2 or … This book went beyond my expectations and I love it only one problem I NEED PART 2 or my life will not feel complete

  2. Captivating This book had me enthralled from page one. I enjoyed the back and forth from the diary entries to current day. Everything seems relevant and helped create the back story among the characters. I can not wait for the second book to come out.

  3. CLIFFHANGER ALERT- Stay away Another author, or two in this case, that want to get you hooked so you’ll go back and spend more money. DISGUSTING. 

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