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Freakn’ Out (Freakn’ Shifters)

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He’s broken in body and spirit, but she’s not giving up.

Leave me the hell alone. Is that so freakn’ hard to grasp?

Yeah, Derrick is angry and bitter, but with good reason. His army buddies should have left him to die instead of dragging him out of the rebel camp – and he means drag. Shrapnel to his back ensured his legs are useless hunks of meat. Everything below his waist is useless.

As if that isn’t bad enough, fate just has to kick a wolf when he is down and send him the curvy and luscious Janine. According to his inner beast, she’s his mate. Not happening. There will be no claiming, because Derrick isn’t about to saddle anyone with half a man. Problem is, Janine, with her fiery red hair and tempting curves, won’t leave him the hell alone. She thinks she can fix him. And a part of him, the part that refuses to give up hope, is tempted to let her try.

Can she teach this broken wolf new tricks – including bedroom ones – that will make him howl once again?

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3 thoughts on “Freakn’ Out (Freakn’ Shifters)

  1. Although I loved the characters in the previous stories This was certainly a different approach to the series than the previous stories. Although I loved the characters in the previous stories, I was glad that we got a reprieve from them. When you get so far into a series it tends to detract from the story when the author insists on including every single one of those characters throughout the story. 

  2. She won’t take no for an answer A wolf shifter soldier wounded in by and IED and tortured in captivity left Derrick with severe PTSD. He’s having control issues and is mad at the whole world because he feels he is no longer a man, but a useless man without movement or feeling below the waist. 

  3. AbsoFreaking Great. This Derrick and Janine’s story and let me tell you what a story. Derrick is a wolf shifter who was in the army. Due to a horrific ambush Derrick is paralyzed from the waist down. When he finally makes it home he isn’t the wolf he used to be. When the council sends in Dr. Janine to try and help him he is not happy about it at all. The hits just keep coming for Derrick not only is this new Dr. hot as all get out she’s also his mate. Janine has had a tough go in life she lost her father at a…

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