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Noa was trampled and nearly killed by hundreds of horny female fans at a concert of a band she didn’t even like, but Alden, the bad boy lead singer of the band, saved her from the trampling tramps. Alden is used to getting what he wants, especially women, but Noa can’t stand the cocky, pelvic-thrusting rock star.

Noa reluctantly becomes friends with the rocker, under one condition: He promises not to try to have sex with her. But he didn’t promise that he wouldn’t do other things. Alden’s musically talented fingers are capable of playing more than just a guitar….

Reluctantly Noa goes on a fundraising music tour with Alden’s band, Friction. She soon begins to realize there is more to the rocker than sex, music, and his arrogance. But by spending time with one of the biggest superstars in the world, Noa finds herself in the spotlight, illuminating secrets she thought were hidden forever.

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3 thoughts on “Friction

  1. Friction Addiction 4.8 Rocking Stars 

  2. OUTSTANDING I feel I am bias when it comes to LD Davis’s writing, to me her writing never fails, every book I have read written by this wonderful author has me captivated and on edge and at the end of the book exhausted by the emotions I go through while reading. 

  3. Loved it I really loved this book so much. Alden and Noa are so perfect together. She hated him and he loved that about her. He saved her life and she hated him more for it. I loved how relentless and persistent Alden was in his pursuit in Noa. He was determined to become her friend and get to know her. But what he didn’t expect was to fall in love with her. And she sure didn’t expect to fall in love with an arrogant, pelvic thrusting, rock star. I loved the banter between these two. It was hilarious! I…

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