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Game Plan: How to Protect Yourself from the Coming Cyber-Economic Attack

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Game Plan is the first “how to” investment handbook of its type. It will explain the emerging risks and provide a complete game plan of response for investors at all levels. Freeman will explain that there is no “one size fits all” solution as events are happening quickly and the challenges can morph suddenly. Just as a football team must plan for a variety of offensive strategies and attacks, investors must be prepared to strategically adjust. This audiobook provides the game plan to respond and succeed.

In Game Plan you’ll learn…

• The proper use of gold in your investment strategy
• How stocks should be deployed in your investment portfolio
• The smart way to diversify your portfolio
• How to decrease your bond holding vulnerability
• How to judge a guarantor in guaranteed investments
• How to avoid falling into the marketing hype for Hedge Fund scams
• How to find a properly trained investment advisor
• How to advance wealth at the individual level
• How to win the global economic war

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3 thoughts on “Game Plan: How to Protect Yourself from the Coming Cyber-Economic Attack

  1. What we’ve waited for. What a detail-specific follow-up to 2012’s “Secret Weapon” ( ). In this brand-new (2014) book, Kevin D. Freeman tells readers what they can do NOW to protect themselves and their finances from a cyber-economic attack. Don’t think that’s going to happen… You haven’t been seeing the news. An attack can be anything from hacked credit card info (ask Target about that) to something on a…

  2. Economic Sharks are Circling. The US government’s acknowledged debt is about $17 trillion. Analysts such as Boston University economics professor Laurence Kotlikiff place our government’s true liabilities as closer to $211 trillion. A major transformation is coming and the sharks of the world are circling. We know this because hostile regimes and non-state actors have said so in their communications. The spirit of American independence and the protections of The US Constitution still hold the potential to provide a return…

  3. A different kind of financial book I have read many finance books over the past 20 years and I strongly believe in the power of budgeting, compound interest, and living below my means. I have not yet found a financial book like Game Plan, however. Freeman paints a scary (but compelling) picture of the potential areas where the US economy is vulnerable to cyber attacks. His research is certainly eye opening. The focus of the book is not simply to scare the reader but rather to help them form a game plan (hence the name) on…

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