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Godsland Epic Fantasy Bundle: Godsland Series, Books 1 Through 9

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Clean Fantasy Adventure for Teens and Adults

Catrin Volker dreams of a peaceful life training horses. It’s not to be. Comets appear in the night skies, announcing the return of a goddess. While trying to save her friend from bullies, Catrin unknowingly triggers powerful, ancient magic and fulfills a prophecy that says she will destroy entire nations. Her quest for peace captures the imagination with fantastical landscapes, magic, and dragons.

The Dawning of Power trilogy: Call of the Herald, Inherited Danger, Dragon Ore

The Balance of Power trilogy: Regent, Feral, Regal

The Artifacts of Power trilogy: The Fifth Magic, Dragonhold, The Seventh Magic

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3 thoughts on “Godsland Epic Fantasy Bundle: Godsland Series, Books 1 Through 9

  1. Three Stars I found it very long and a little repeating. But it did keep me reading.

  2. Well worth the investment. What I hate about most serial books is waiting for the next one to be published. I want to know NOW what happens to the character. With this series – I like the main characters. Originally, I bought the first book- solo. I had to wait for my birthday for the 2nd. Imagine my surprise when I was given the bundle of 9 books. I don’t have a lot of time to read for fun. What I do read for pleasure has to hold my attention and this series has kept me involved, periodically jumping out of my…

  3. and The Sword of Truth series I would recommend this series to those who have read such epics Jumps around a bit, and the character development could be evolved more, but frankly those are nit-picky in the big picture. Though this series is certainly below Dave Eddings’ Belgariad & Mallorean, Weis & Hickman’s Dragonlance/Chronices, the Shannara series, and The Sword of Truth series I would recommend this series to those who have read such epics.

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