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Great Expectations (AmazonClassics Edition)

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Raised in squalor in the marsh country of Kent, the orphan Pip is taken under the wing of the eccentric and reclusive Miss Havisham – only to blindly give his heart to the dowager’s beautiful but ice-cold adopted daughter, Estella. Even as a mysterious benefactor helps to shape Pip’s life into one of fortune, success, and self-discovery, the unspeakable secrets of his unrequited love continue to haunt him – and promise to change his life once again.

With its indelible cast of characters, immersive epic narrative, and startling dramatic twists, Charles Dickens’s powerful classic continues to enthrall generations of new readers.

Revised edition: Previously published as Great Expectations, this edition of Great Expectations (AmazonClassics Edition) includes editorial revisions.

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3 thoughts on “Great Expectations (AmazonClassics Edition)

  1. 10 Reasons why I love this book 1. Pip the narrator. The story is essentially the story of Pip’s life as told by now older and wiser Pip as he reflects back on his life, the turning points and wrong decisions he made. The good , the bad and the ugly of his life. I identify with this Pip and do similar things myself. 

  2. Exceeded my expectations Written almost a century and half ago, I was surprised to find Great Expectations exceed my own expectations from this book. The overarching themes of wealth & poverty, loyalty & forgiveness, hope & despair are as relevant now as always. We witness young Pip’s metamorphosis through a first person narrative that takes him from being a humble apprentice to his blacksmith uncle to a young lad aspiring to be the finest of gentleman lost in the pretentious streets of London. Along the way we meet…

  3. Worth the investment reading the old language. Are you looking for something different to read? Like me, did you somehow fail to read this book in your years at school? Over my lifetime I have sometimes found it difficult to make my way through the older classics–mostly due to the antiquated style of language. They simply felt wordy and slushy going into them. We are trained, in this day and age, to want a faster, sharper payoff. But having recently watched a movie entitled “Mr. Pip” about a man in Papua New Guinea who takes on…

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