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Having My Baby

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Growing up, Jill Garrison never daydreamed about having the perfect wedding. Instead, she dreamt about having a baby. Boy or girl, it didn’t matter. Unfortunately, her fiancĂ© can’t have children. Determined to realize her lifelong dream of having a baby, Jill spends years searching for a company (CryoCorp) that provides high quality donor sperm. Everything is right in Jill’s world until her wedding day when her fiancĂ© leaves her at the altar to be humiliated before friends and family. She doesn’t waste any time moving from New York City to California to start over. And she keeps her appointment with CryoCorp. She may never have the wedding or the husband, but nothing is going to stop her from having a baby. She’s tired of everyone telling her what to do. The baby she’s carrying is hers and hers alone. Nobody can take that away from her. Or can they?

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3 thoughts on “Having My Baby

  1. Excellent Book By Theresa Ragan Wow, Teresa Ragan, is an exceptionally talented author. Her characters have so much depth and lovability. The story is quite engrossing. It’s so good, I couldn’t put it down. It looks to be book 1 of 4 at this time but the lead male in Having My Baby has 9 brothers and sisters so I imagine there will be at least 10 total and that is way more than ok for me! 

  2. Great story! When Derrick Baylor was in college he sold his sperm to a sperm bank for extra cash, however, 18 months later his conscience got the better of him, so return the money with a letter to have his sperm destroyed. He is now a successful NFL quarterback for the Los Angeles Condors. While visiting his parents in Arcadia, his mother gives him a letter from the sperm bank that was delivered to their address. He is in shock to find out that his sperm was never destroyed and was successfully…

  3. A Very Cute and funny Book! I loved, loved, loved this book. Needing money and desperate, Derrick donates some of his sperm for money but later gives the money back with a letter that he doesn’t want his sperm used and wishes it was destroyed knowing that he could never live life knowing that he had a child out in the world. Later, he gets a letter stating that a recipient has chose his sperm. Of course, he needs to find this women so he could know for sure if he does have a child on the way. He does end up finding Jill…

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