On the molecular and cellular level, teaches Dr. Deepak Chopra, the body that you had four years ago no longer exists-it has been entirely replaced, atom by atom. With The New Physics of Healing, Dr. Chopra reveals the astonishing truth-now being demonstrated in the fields of physics and modern medicine-that we are composed of a rapidly changing field of pure information that sustains our physical health. Join him to learn how to access this “river of intelligent energy,” how to break through ingrained emotional and belief patterns to discover your true healing potential, and much more.
Your True Healing Potential Are we victims of our cultural conditioning in regards to aging and health? How can you free yourself from the collective mindset so you can live a longer and healthier life?Some of the highlights of this CD set:Mechanics of PerceptionThe Superstition of MaterialismThe Body/Mind as a Field of EnergyEmotional States and Body ChemistryMortalityPrecognitive Commitments and Quantum HealingApproaches to HealingQ & A Session – Interview with Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra presents convincing evidence and explores the influence of belief on aging in various cultures. He presents a more complete picture of our current reality while weaving together science, psychology and spirituality into an intriguing tapestry of ideas.~The Rebecca Review
this must be listened too by anyone who wishes to be responsible for their health. I have listened to this 4 times. I intend to hear it many more times. it is full of life altering perspectives. I cannot recommend it more highly.