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Here with Me: The Archer Brothers, Book 1

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Ryley Clarke has grown up with the military in her blood, with both parents serving their country. Ryley knows the risks of being married to the military. But when the unthinkable happens, and her future husband is killed in action, Ryley can barely survive… until Evan’s twin brother, Nate, helps her pick up the pieces.

After serving on a special mission with the military for six years, Evan Archer returns home to find the unthinkable: the love of his life, Ryley Clarke, engaged to his brother, Nate. With Nate on deployment, Evan needs to figure out what happened in his absence, and more importantly, how to win Ryley back from the man he once considered his best friend, but now thinks of as his rival.

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3 thoughts on “Here with Me: The Archer Brothers, Book 1

  1. Didn’t realize it was a cliff hanger I knew there was a second book. I try not to read nor then the synopsis of the first book and I do NOT read reviews because they are spoilers!!!! I thought book 2 would be Nates or Evans book once Ryley made her choice.I did love arching Ryley reconnect. I feel terrible about what happen to them. Just not sure if I feel like buying the next book to get the outcome. I’ll have to think about it.

  2. Evan’s Love for Ryley This story kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time wondering what was going to happen and who Ryley will choose. Ryley Clarke grew up with parents in the military and ended up with a boyfriend that enlists as well. From the first moment they met, Ryley and Evan Archer were drawn to one another. When she finds out she’s pregnant, Evan asks her to marry him and then he goes on a mission but hoping that they will be back really soon. The families are told that the 4 members of the SEAL team…

  3. Something’s Missing The premise of this story is an interesting one and filled with potential. Unfortunately, it all starts to unravel fairly quickly with the sheer absurdity of the circumstances surrounding the six year disappearance of a Navy SEALS unit. Holy Mother of Conspiracy Theories is putting it mildly and although a lot of questions are raised throughout the book as to who, why, and how this happened, there isn’t really any development towards answering those questions. Six years?? Really? And not…

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