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Hero (Legend of Drizzt: Homecoming)

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Something akin to peace has come to the Underdark. The demon hordes have receded, and now the matron mothers argue over the fate of Drizzt Do’Urden. Even so, it becomes clear to one matriarch after another that while the renegade drow may come and go, Menzoberranzan, the City of Spiders, will crawl forever on.

And so Drizzt is free to return to his home on the surface once again. Scores are settled as lives are cut short, yet other lives move on. For the lone drow, there is only a single final quest: a search for peace, for family, for home – for the future.

Hero picks up where Maestro left off, in a sweeping climax to an epic tale.

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3 thoughts on “Hero (Legend of Drizzt: Homecoming)

  1. Interesting drama This book is yin to Maestro’s yang. Carries the plot lines that were kicked to the side in Maestro. Not nearly as exciting or violent, intriguing yes. In short many minutiae are carefully tucked into bed. These details will be important if your a follower of RA’s Dungeons and Dragons writing.

  2. If you are a fan,then,dont worry!! Its all building up to what I’ve believed over 20 yrs ago. That Drizzit is the legend in the If you are a fan,then,dont worry!! Its all building up to what I’ve believed over 20 yrs ago. That Drizzit is the legend in the fantasy world of books. And R.A. Salvatore is the legend in fantasy world too! He created a world and these characters that i have have grown up with since i was a teen. Im in my late thirties and still i learn valuable lessons from these characters as they grow as well. WoW. I read it in 3 to 4 days. Now, ill go back and read it thoroughly. Thanks R.A. Salvatore. I…

  3. Good Book, Weird Happenings Contains SPOILERS !!!!! 

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