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Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six)

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Gabby’s brain is like a human fish finder. It comes in handy when she wants to avoid people. Mostly men. They seem to like her a bit too much. It’s lonely being different, but she’s adapted to it. Really. She just wishes she knew why she is different, though.

In her search for answers, she discovers a hidden community of werewolves. She immerses herself in their culture, learning about their world until she meets Clay. He’s unkempt, prone to mood swings, and intense without saying a word, and he thinks Gabby is his.

It’s going to take every trick she knows to convince Clay to go away – and every bit of willpower not to fall for him when she discovers the man beneath the rough exterior.

Delve into a riveting world of werewolves and young women with unexplained abilities in Hope(less).

Judgement has begun….

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3 thoughts on “Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six)

  1. CLIFFHANGER ENDING, UGH!!!! GRRRR So conflicted on this one, I was just going to give it 2 stars because it ended in a CLIFF HANGER 

  2. Clay sucked me in!! 4 stars — This one was a little bit slower to grab me in the beginning, but I was glad I stuck with it because once Clay appeared, I was all in. I’m not sure if the beginning was just mired down in too many introduction details, or if I just couldn’t get a grasp on Gabby, or maybe it was more that I was skeptical about Sam and what all was happening with the werewolf pack, but it made for some slower going…and unfortunately that took a good chunk of the book. Once Clay appeared, I don’t…

  3. Unbelievably beautiful love story You will not regret it, both combined with its beautiful sculpted voice, and unbelievably beautiful love story you will have a hard time pulling yourself away from the book to oh i don’t know, sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, or you know breath…. well actually you will breathe i can almost guarantee at least one loving sigh. Going into this book i was expecting this really action packed, prophecy book just because of the idea of being judged or what nots but that isn’t the story really. And…

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