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How to Be a 3% Man

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Dear friend: This book teaches you the hidden secrets to completely understand women. How you can meet and date the type of women you’ve always wanted and have effortless relationships! How to get a girlfriend. How to date multiple women. How to get your wife or girlfriend back. Turn your girl “friend” into your girlfriend. Live the life of your dreams and accomplish your goals. How to get women to pursue you and approach you first, etc.

My book covers both the dating world and long-term relationships. You will learn how to meet and date the type of women you’ve always dreamed of. The best part is you can do this while remaining who you truly are inside. The book teaches you how to create sexual attraction in women and get women to chase and pursue you! It takes you step by step with easy-to-follow instructions. You will be able to meet women anytime, anyplace, and anywhere. This will give you choice with women.

Whether you are single and searching or are already with your dream lady, my book has the secrets most men will never know about women and that women don’t know about themselves. Why should you buy my book? Because it is the lowest cost and highest perceived value of any other book on the subject of pickup skills, dating, and relationships. It offers more tips, strategies and techniques than any other book you will find.

Unlike most other books that only give you attraction and pick-up techniques, my book will teach you how to successfully pickup up women anytime, anywhere. Then it will teach you how to transition into dating, getting her to ask you to be her boyfriend, and how to maintain a long-term, healthy, and drama-free relationship, free from nagging and arguments. I guarantee it will teach you more than any other book on the subject. Period!

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3 thoughts on “How to Be a 3% Man

  1. everyone should read this book! I found this in my boyfriends closet one day earlier in our relationship(we just passed the 6 month mark), and started reading it, wondering what it was talking about. 3% man just sounded like a strange way to put it. i was sitting on the couch when he came in from work later and he told me he thought i would hate it bc it is so blunt about women, or says that we are so predictable in many different ways. I told him I thought it was good so far, and that its good for me to know what he has been…

  2. It is truly your birthright to have this knowledge. This book changed my life. Years before even hearing about this book I met the woman of my dreams. The issue was not finding the woman of my dreams, but having the chance to date her. This woman went away faster than she arrived and I never dated her. 

  3. Must Read I needed some advice quick because I came upon meeting an amazing woman. Was looking for advice on YouTube and came across to this author’s videos which I found very informative and makes total sense. The book gives more details so I highly recommend it. 

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