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In Her Sights (A Montgomery Justice Novel)

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Jasmine “Jazz” Parker, Jefferson County SWAT’s only female sniper, can thread the eye of a needle with a bullet. But she carries with her a secret from her past that she thought she buried for good at the age of fifteen. Two years ago she even drove away the one man she believed she could love ― ex–Army Ranger turned reporter Luke Montgomery ― to keep her past hidden. But now, in a fleeting second, the time it takes for one clean shot, one perfect hit, to save the life of the governor’s daughter, Jazz’s world begins to crumble around her. When Luke splashes her face and name across the front page of the newspaper, a vicious enemy from her past returns seeking vengeance without compromise. Jazz is forced to turn to the one man she can never have before she and everyone she cares about pays the ultimate price. Full of explosive action and almost unbearable suspense, In Her Sights is a relentless, steamy thriller surprisingly infused with soul and poignancy.

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3 thoughts on “In Her Sights (A Montgomery Justice Novel)

  1. Loved it! Came across this book in the “if you liked this book, you may like these” section on Amazon. I had never read this author before and the book did sound interesting. So I ordered it! I knew pretty early on in the book, that I was hooked on this author… I have already ordered the next book in the series. Luke and Jazz were both strong characters. Little Joy was a doll…..especially when she figured Jazz was a princess that had to escape from a bad witch. This is definately an…

  2. Yuk Am putting robin Perino on my don’t read this author list..Am glad I speed read So I could finish the book quickly.pages upon pages & pages+++ of junky poorly written romantic stuff….Not much plot and finnnnallllly got around to the villain atmaybe 80% or so… and if you think I am going to go back andget the exact page where the villain appeared…no tx…

  3. All plot and little character Robin Perini’s In Her Sights has a great premise: female heroine is a sniper for a SWAT team. Her ex (and brother of one of her fellow SWAT team members) is an investigative reporter looking into possible corruption in the police department she works for. Add in a slightly trope-y bad childhood for our girl, Jazz (Jasmine when she’s in the arms of her man, natch) Parker that she’d prefer to keep hidden and you have all the ingredients for a thrill-packed romantic suspense novel. 

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