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Just Add Water: Hetta Coffey Series, Book 1

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Hetta Coffey is a globe-trotting civil engineer with attitude who is working on coming of age, a little late. Pushing forty and still single, Hetta is the epitome of the “B” word: bold, bossy, brassy, breezy, and brash. After leaving a lifelong swath of failed multinational affairs in her jet stream, it is no wonder Hetta prefers living with her dog, R.J. But old habits die hard, and trolling for triceps is Hetta’s hobby.

Plying the waterfront in search of Saturday brunch, Hetta’s attention is snagged by a parade of passing yachts – especially their predominantly male skippers – and experiences a champagne-induced epiphany: If she had a boat, she could get a man. In hopes a floating Valhalla will overcome an all-time low-water mark in her life, Hetta buys her dream boat in spite of a spectacular ignorance of all things nautical. But a shadowy stalker, an inconvenient body, and Hetta’s own self-destructive foibles imperil not only her new life, but a newly- found romance.

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3 thoughts on “Just Add Water: Hetta Coffey Series, Book 1

  1. A Great Fun Read This is the first book of the Hetta Coffey series and now I’m absolutely convinced that the author can provide not only great stories of intrigue, murder and cozy mystery but great fun and laughs. Hetta is an absolute riot – fun, funny and surprising in many ways – she’s a colorful character with a capital “C”. 

  2. Fun, Sassy, and an excellent read I was really thrilled to have gotten this fun book on audio,read by Beth Richmond. I recommend starting the series from Just Add Water. Hetta and best friend, Jan are on a perpetual man hunt as most their past relationships, haven’t ended well. When the book starts out, Hetta is living and working in Japan and engaged to Hudson Williams, when he jilts her days before the wedding. He’s packed his bags and off to catch a flight out of Japan but not before taking Hetta’s ATM card and draining her…

  3. not much time on the mystery plot of the story I had expected an entertaining mystery…the key word is mystery. There was a mystery in the plot, but very little time in the book is spent on the mystery. The book starts out great and catches your interest immediately. It bogs down from about 1/4 into the book until the last few chapters. There is much more time spent about the main character’s search for a boat, and discussion of her financial issues, fear of relationships, drinking/partying, relationship with her pet dog and job issues…

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