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Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault that Changed a Presidency by O’Reilly, Bill, Dugard, Martin (September 22, 2015) Audio CD

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Just two months into his presidency, Ronald Reagan lay near death after a gunman’s bullet came within inches of his heart. His recovery was nothing short of remarkable — or so it seemed. But Reagan was grievously injured, forcing him to encounter a challenge that few men ever face. Could he silently overcome his traumatic experience while at the same time carrying out the duties of the most powerful man in the world?

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1 thought on “Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault that Changed a Presidency by O’Reilly, Bill, Dugard, Martin (September 22, 2015) Audio CD

  1. Great product. Always very informative. Learn something we didn’t know before. Bought this for my husband to listen to while he drives. We have all the Bill O’Reilly killing series. He loves them all!

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