The sole survivor of a train accident, young Larken Burke is dubbed the Miracle Orphan. Four years later, however, her life is far from fortunate. Because of her emotional and physical scars, she believes she’s not marriageable. With little hope for the future, she agrees to wed a gentleman she’s never met. Unfortunately, his aloof manner proves difficult to bear.
Marked by romantic tragedy and the loss of his brother, Brandon King has forsworn marriage. Obliged to take in a ward, he advertises for a mail-order bride to raise the boy. Since the union is to be a marriage in name only, his criteria are youthful age, a certain level of intellect, good breeding, and that the girl shouldn’t be so ill-favored she would embarrass him in society. To his dismay, he gets more than he’d bargained for.
Will it take a miracle for Mr. and Mrs. King to fall in love, or is their marriage another accident waiting to happen?
Needs more body Clean and good ideas but had a hard time staying with it. I felt as if the story was rushed. In one page, Larkin made a fast friend her first night at the orphanage, stayed there for three months, and was adopted out. I prefer more details that enrich the story.
sweet but rushed I loved the idea of this story; a tragic yet beautiful orphan finds love after years of abuse from cold, swindling, foster parents. A man who lost everyone he ever loved has a chance for joy again… There were so many opportunities for exciting plot twists to unfold, but the book read more like an outline than a novel. Every chapter felt like a summary of events instead of a full story. It was all wrapped up a little to succinctly. I basically wish there was more to it.
This is a sweet period romance with just enough suspense to bump it … This is a sweet period romance with just enough suspense to bump it up a notch. It was a quick read for me that met my personal check list of characters I liked, smooth writing and a plot that flowed. I will be looking forward to reading more from S. G. Rogers.Well done