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Lassiter (Jake Lassiter)

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Last seen in 1997s Flesh and Bones, Jake Lassiter is a hero unlike any other in the courtroom. Booklist called him one of the most entertaining series characters in contemporary crime fiction. The former Miami Dolphin is still swimming with sharks in his latest, boldest novel of suspense yet. Amy Larkin is in town, looking for her sister Krista, who vanished without a trace almost two decades earlier. She seeks out Lassiter because hes the last person to have seen her alive. Lassiter volunteers to investigate, and his search for Kristas fate will take him into the underworld of Miamis pornography industry, into the dangerous lives of his friends, and, of course, into the courtroom, where Lassiters bare-knuckle style makes him a formidable opponent.

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3 thoughts on “Lassiter (Jake Lassiter)

  1. As Richard Gere tap dances I discovered Paul Levine a few years ago stumbling into the middle of Jake Lassiter’s world on the recommendation of a friend. I first read TO SPEAK FOR THE DEAD and almost cried it was so darn good. I scoffed up the series and then went on to the SOLOMON vs LORD books which are classic. 

  2. Twists and turns to the very last word The long awaited Lassiter arrived on my ipad at the stoke of midnight and I immediately began reading. Levine eased us into the drama, introducing us to the cast of characters who would soon be alive in our minds as he continued to crank up the tension. Jack Lassiter was hunky and honorable and “O so Jake” as he tried to right wrongs in his own heroic way. At the 60% mark, this story had me up and at ’em until the very end. There was no stopping for food or sleep — plot twists and turns and…

  3. Fun but crude Fun, and well written but often too crass and crude. I’d read another review that said the main character, Jake, was a lot like Harlan Corbin’ s character of Myron Boltair. I would agree but Myron is much more likable and classy. The amount of gratuitous porn scenes and language was way over the top. At first it was funny but then it went too far and detracted from a great storyline with a fantastic ending. I will still try another book from this author.

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