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Life in Shadows

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All it takes is a single brush with the supernatural to change a life forever.

Some choose the path of magic and shadow willingly. Others never see the hand of magic as it shapes their fortunes. They face the extraordinary with nothing but courage and wits to guide them.

Some mortals become trapped in the conflict between angels and demons and find themselves forever changed. For all too many, the shadows lead only to untimely ends. For some, however, the shadows offer seductive experiences that draw the newcomers further in….

Life in Shadows collects four stories set in the world of Good Intentions, where one encounter with sorcerers, demons, or a foul-mouthed servant of heaven is all it takes to turn the world upside down.

Warning: Life in Shadows contains explicit violence, extended explicit sex scenes, explicit karaoke, profanity, rampant nudity, assault, murder, breaking and entering, belligerent urban wildlife, premeditated sexual promiscuity, vehicular assault, reckless endangerment, attempted kidnapping, attempted robbery, attempted ritual demonic possession, blatant violation of state regulations of adult entertainment, punching, kicking, cutting, stabbing, shooting, hair pulling, name calling, slut shaming, cheap Halloween costumes, strippers, hipsters, poseurs, police, personal calls while on duty, arson, destruction of private property, lingerie, war criminals, break-up text messaging, lesbian demon seduction, accusations of Mary Suedom, poor workplace morale, premarital sex, nude calisthenics, immolation, false identification, ruthless exploitation of personal beauty, unsafe crowd control standards, vertigo, destruction of evidence, elitism, racism (don’t worry, he dies), open relationships, workplace scapegoating, adult use of plumbing implements, fantasy depictions of witchcraft and paganism, at least one reincarnated ancient European warlord, and a girl-on-girl grenade fight. All characters are over the age of 18 except the aforementioned reincarnation of an ancient European warlord. That gets sketchy.

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3 thoughts on “Life in Shadows

  1. A decent expansion of the setting This is a collection of four short stories set in the same world and featuring some of the characters from Good Intentions and Natural Consequences. 

  2. Excellent read! Another excellent addition to the Good Intention’s universe. I was down when I heard Elliot was focusing on his Poor Man series and the Good Intention’s series would be pushed to the side for a bit, so it was a great surprise to see a new addition to the series.

  3. Not up to Elliott Kay’s usual standards. I love Elliott Kay’s other books, but this one fell far short of his other writing. It was disjointed in many ways, more like a series of barely connected short stories than a true novel. It also seemed to serve as a platform for the author to push his view that women can have sex with a bunch of random men and it’s ok. While I don’t necessarily disagree, it felt really preachy. Definitely give his other works a try, but I’d pass on this one.

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