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Little Women

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Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, set in the 19th century follows the lives of four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March as they live, learn, love, and grow as young pilgrims and blossom into fine little women.

Based on the author’s childhood, Little Women is one of the most beloved stories in American literature. It continues to touch listeners both young and old. Alcott takes you on a prolific journey which will make your heart swell, your soul laugh, and your heart ache as we experience the lives of the March sisters as they endure their lessons, scrapes, castles in the air, their romances, and more.

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3 thoughts on “Little Women

  1. Beautiful coffee table book filled with color plates and commentary Don’t be fooled by the cover – it doesn’t begin to tell the story. This is a gorgeous oversized edition (measuring 9″ x 10″ x 2″) with an elegant choice of typefaces, filled with color plates, letters written by Louisa and her publisher Thomas Niles and commentary on each page which enhances the reading experience. Shealy introduces the book with an interesting essay about the extensive revisions made to the text between its original publication in 1868 and the revised version in the 1880s. In…

  2. More About Meg, Jo, Beth & Amy If you’re an Alcott fan, as I am, this volume will be a delight. I’ve read LITTLE WOMEN since childhood (all the way back to when I complained to my mother when I found out I read an abridged edition–I wanted the whole story!) and, by dint of further reading, found out many of the historical background items for this book, but this collects all of them in a super package, from the many references to Bunyan’s PILGRIM”S PROGRESS, to how book events paralleled the Alcotts’ real lives, to…

  3. One of my all time favorite authors I must have read Little Women 10-20 times as a child and cried every time I read it. The relationship between the sisters is so touching. It wasn’t until much later that I made the connection with the Civil War, and reading it as an adult made the story even richer. This book is a wonderful read aloud to middle school and high school students studying the Civil War time period. I highly recommend reading the book before watching the movie. The movie is great, but cannot begin to touch the…

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