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Lorn (VLG)

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Being raised among a race of half-breed Vampires and Lycans has been far from easy for Kira. VampLycans despise humans – and her mother’s human blood runs deep in Kira’s veins. Unable to shift, having few VampLycan traits at all, Kira is denied acceptance from the clan, and the love of the man she’s wanted since childhood. A little girl’s crush that’s bloomed into a desire so strong, it threatens to consume her. Suffering the pain of Lorn someday finding a mate is not an option.

With their evil clan leader, Decker Filmore, currently on the run, it’s the perfect time for Kira to escape; to leave Alaska behind and attempt happiness elsewhere. Just one more day, and she’s gone for good.

Lorn has a difficult decision to make, one that will change not only his life, but the lives of everyone he knows. He’s been asked to take control of his clan. With Decker gone, the time for such a drastic power play is now. It’s a responsibility Lorn has never wanted – but the choice is made for him when Kira is unexpectedly attacked, changing her in a way that should mean her death. Now, he’ll do what it takes, kill whoever he has to, to keep her from being executed under clan law.

If he can defeat his enemies and gain leadership, Lorn will change all the rules for Kira – or die trying.

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3 thoughts on “Lorn (VLG)

  1. It starts the day after book 2 ends. I loved the story. Its a no e change up. Instead of the usual meet a stranger fall in love its the childhood playmates who can’t be together because of meddling, homicidal family members. You’ll root for them to get together the whole time. Lots of great fighting and political stuff as well. I will cry if Lord Aveoloth the GarLycan doesn’t get his own book. He deserves to not be alone. I don’t believe he killed his last girlfriend. I also really want to see Decker lose his head. He’s fifty…

  2. IT WAS GOOD BUT NOT GREAT!! Lorn was not LD’s best story in the VLG series in my opinion. The banter between Lorn and Kira was repetitive. They kept repeating over and over why they couldn’t be together and what happen when they were children. Kira was born of a human mother, her father Davis was VampLycan. Kira had more human traits the VampLycan ones. She wasn’t excepted into there clan and was horribly mistreated by the other children and adults. Lorn befriended her at a young age and they grew up together. Lorn…

  3. Repetition, repetition, repetition and no chemistry! This should have been a drinking game book. Every time you hear about how bad Decker is, how we can’t be together, how abused her childhood was, and how bad it would be if they got together, take a drink. By the ninth chapter you will be drunk and needing a beer run. That is how much repetition there is in this book. It took away from the story progression and really did nothing to endear me to the character’s. Maybe that is why I felt zero chemistry between Kira and Lorn, they talked and…

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