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The third installment in the MC Sinners Next Generation is here!

I’ve loved Danny since I was five. He’s loved me longer. It seemed destined that we would be together; it seemed like the stars had aligned. Then we grew up, and life got in the way.

He’s stepping up to be president of the motorcycle club we grew up in. And I want no part in it. I want to be free, to travel the world and experience life without violence.

He’s not willing to give up the club. I’m not willing to be an old lady. But giving him up is like losing a part of myself.

Love isn’t easy. Life certainly never is. The manacles he has wrapped around me will hold me to him. No matter how hard I try to run.

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3 thoughts on “Manacle

  1. Ok Manacle is the 3rd story in the MC Sinners Next Generation series and this was the one I was waiting for. Danny and Skye! From the beginning for this series you know that something was going on between these two so I went in already freaking out and was super excited. I’m going to be honest. It feel a little flat to me. I’m not saying it wasn’t a good read cause it was. Bella is one of my all time favorite authors and I’ll read everything she puts out but I thought this story didn’t leave me…

  2. my first Bella Jewel book 3-3.5 stars 

  3. Manacle This review will contain spoilers because I just have to get some things out. Also, some people might not like the contain of the book so if you have some hard limits please read below. 

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