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May (Calendar Girl)

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Swimsuits, sun, surfing, and a sexy Samoan.

I headed to the island of Oahu, Hawaii, to meet with cutting-edge swimsuit fashion designer, Angel D’Amico, to serve as head model for the “Beauty Comes in All Sizes” swimsuit campaign. The designer wants to show the world that beauty is not just a size two. My curves got me into this gig, and, the moment I laid eyes on my modeling “partner,” I’d never been happier with my buxom form.

Tai Niko had everything the average man lacked. Height, broad shoulders, a nipped-in waist, square pecs, tree trunk thighs, and a look that rivaled “The Rock.” The part that made me drool and weakened my knees, was the thick, intricate tribal tattoos running down the entire left side of his muscled frame from shoulder to ankle. The design was unlike anything I’d ever seen, and I couldn’t wait to trace the tips of my fingers over every inch.


In the fifth book of the Calendar Girl serial, Mia is sent to Oahu, HI. Still on her mission to save her father, she embraces the model life to prove beauty really does come in all sizes.

Each installment in the Calendar Girl Serial will feature Mia’s journey as an escort to twelve clients in twelve different locations.

Warning: This book is designed for audiences 18+ due to language and graphic sexual content.

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3 thoughts on “May (Calendar Girl)

  1. May will blow your mind! The Calendar Girl series has become one of my favorite monthly reads. In the beginning, I thought it would be a sexy read to fill the cracks. But this series is so much more than that. The different characters Mia encounters each month really change who she sees herself as. It isn’t just sex. Some months, her clients aren’t even hiring her for that. It is a series with heart that makes you think. Yeah, it can be very sexy, but it is so much more than that. If you haven’t read them yet, do so…

  2. May is hot, hot, HOT! Sexy islander, mind blowing carnal sex and a tropical haven. Once again another great month. With every book and every stud, Mia is slowly finding who she is. This one was great and heartfelt with Mia’s bond with her sister. SPOILER I cried when they talked. Mia really is more like the mom and their bond reminds me of my mom and myself. I look forward to the end of each month. All those sexy men, I wonder, will Mia get a cowboy??? Please say yes! =)

  3. What a perfect way to spend an afternoon! Mia & a yummy Samoan & descriptions of an island that will take your breath away! What a beautiful tour of an island and a culture that I have never experienced before! 

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