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Mind War (Nick Hall)

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Nick Hall returns in a riveting standalone thriller, set in a stunning future that is rapidly approaching. From the New York Times best-selling author whose books have been downloaded over a million times.

Nick Hall has revolutionary electronics implanted in his brain that allow him to read minds – including thoughts, memories, and even intent. He can know the passwords, future strategies, and innermost secrets of anyone he chooses, making him the most formidable man alive. But his status as the only mind reader in the world is about to change…

Soon, Hall is fighting for his life as he races to stop an unimaginably despicable terror plot. But his problems are only beginning. Because when a member of his inner circle betrays him, and the secret to mind reading leaks out, he is forced to wage war against a merciless mind reader of nearly unequaled brilliance. One who will stop at nothing to kill Hall, his colleagues, and the woman he loves. And one who is intent on ushering in a dramatic transformation of the human species – even at the cost of billions of lives.

Based on actual research on computer-assisted mind reading, Mind War is a roller-coaster ride of a thriller. One that raises a number of intriguing possibilities about a future that is just around the corner.

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3 thoughts on “Mind War (Nick Hall)

  1. Need better plan I kind-of like the first and second installment. But with this third installment, the author seemed to have run out of “tricks”. We have new main characters dropped into the story left and right. It was like … Oh! I run out of idea, lets add a new villain and see how I can spicy things up. I would hope that the important characters won’t be dropped into the story so abruptly, like that Troy Browning character. This Browning guy basically just showed up in the story, and occupied…

  2. Fascinating I must repeat here what I’ve said about all of Douglas E. Richards’ other novels. This book is not science fiction per se but rather is brilliantly based on actual technologies that are, for the most part, presently envisioned but not yet realized. 

  3. Outstanding new stand alone techno-thriller from Douglas E Richards! There are only two things you need to know prior to reading Douglas E Richards new tecno-thriller “Mind War”. 

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