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She was created for a purpose so revolutionary, someone was willing to kill for it.

Seventeen-year-old Lexi Matthews keeps two secrets from her elite boarding school classmates – she’s the daughter of a famous and controversial geneticist, and she can influence people’s thoughts.

But after new student Jack DeWeese heals her broken arm with an anything-but-simple touch, he forces Lexi to face a new reality – her abilities reach much further than speaking to the minds of others.

After Lexi’s father goes missing and she receives threatening emails, she can’t decide whether to fall into Jack’s arms or run and hide.

As Lexi seeks answers to what she and Jack are, she discovers a truth more unsettling than anything her science books can teach. And letting Jack into her life of secrets is not only a threat to her very existence, but it just might break her heart wide open.

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3 thoughts on “Mindspeak

  1. The Next Big Thing in YA Books. This author is way under-rated. The book was interesting and well-written for the most part. A lot better than some of the YA books I’ve read lately. Only time will tell if this series will shine, but the first book was great. I felt like it was a new take on an old idea. This is what I felt like ‘Allegiant’ should have been – gene manipulation – except the focus stayed on the characters like it should. If this book doesn’t get huge soon, I will be surprised.

  2. Too much needless drama Two roses to me = it wasn’t horrible, but not great, and I didn’t particularly like it. Just want to put that out there, because this isn’t a roast. It’s not a terrible book, and I would still recommend it to others. However, I do have to review honestly, and I didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I hoped I would. 

  3. Where is the plot? Get to it already This book took FOREVER to reveal any kind of interesting plot. Lexi attends an elite private school where her real identity is kept secret. She thinks it’s to protect her father, a brilliant geneticist, but it’s for her own protection. Her love interest, Jack, is a new student who is interested in getting to know her better. Somehow he knows more about Lexi’s true identity than she does. But it takes 3/4 of the book for him to reveal it to her. I skipped many pages of ridiculous dialogue to…

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