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(Mis)fortune (Judgement of the Six)

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The spring Gabby meets Clay, Michelle – another girl like Gabby – discovers the truth. A truth she’ll need to share with Gabby and the other four like them.

Michelle… They kept me prisoner for four years, using me for my predictions. They thought they had me subdued, meekly following orders, but they were wrong. I was waiting for a chance to run. I had to be careful, though. They had my brothers, and the leader wasn’t exactly human.

The sudden death of her stepfather gives Michelle the only chance she may ever have to escape, and she takes it. She needs a place to hide and someone to listen to her predictions so her head doesn’t explode. Yet there’s nowhere she can hide and no one to protect her from the monsters pursuing her. Then she meets Emmitt. He’s calm, kind, caring…and a werewolf. If she can find a way to trust him, he might be able to do more than just keep her safe. He might be the one who can help her fight for answers about her gift and the other women like her.

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3 thoughts on “(Mis)fortune (Judgement of the Six)

  1. Good book but I think the women should have more fight in what is decided for there future. I like the women to be more kick ass Book was good I loved the story line but I don’t like how the women in the book just fall in line with people who want to run there lives for them. If women had there powers they would not just fall in line and let others make decisions for them on anything. Give the women more of a back bone to fight for there right to do what they want to do in life.

  2. You’ll love it! I loved this book!! I loved the addition of Liam and Aden – sometimes having children in the story made me extremely sad, but these books are seriously amazing. If you’re on the fence, hop over and join all of us who are obsessed with them! This series is packed full of action, romance, suspense – what more do you need? It’s well edited, fast paced, complex characters (lots of new ones to add to the Judgement family), and an expanding plot line that is so well developed, it’s mind boggling…

  3. Another unique werewolf romance. Read the first book of the series first. This is a good romance between a girl with premonitions and a werewolf. The story doesn’t follow the common idea of werewolves, they are different than in most paranormal romances. 

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