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Moon Dance (Vampire for Hire)

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Six years ago federal agent Samantha Moon was the perfect wife and mother, your typical soccer mom with the minivan and suburban home. Then the unthinkable happens, an attack that changes her life forever. And forever is a very long time for a vampire. Now the world at large thinks Samantha has developed a rare skin disease, a disease which forces her to quit her day job and stay out of the light of the sun. Now working the night shift as a private investigator, Samantha is hired by Kingsley Fulcrum to investigate the murder attempt on his life, a horrific scene captured on TV and seen around the country. But as the case unfolds, Samantha discovers Kingsley isn’t exactly what he appears to be; after all, there is a reason why he survived five shots to the head.

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3 thoughts on “Moon Dance (Vampire for Hire)

  1. Moon Dance by J.R. Rain Lately, I had been thinking that vampire stories were overdone. I have my favorite authors in the genre and honestly wasn’t looking for anymore. It seems that authors don’t want to write about normal people anymore. The stories all seem to have vampires, witches, wizards, and zombies in them. I was looking for an author that wrote normal stories not paranormal. Spies, police officers, detectives, these were the heroes that I was looking for. 

  2. I want my 99 cents back I have to say that I’m really shocked by all the four and five star reviews of this book. It was one of the worst pieces of writing I have ever encountered. I mean truly, embarrassingly bad. Not only was there no character development, no conflict, no emotion, but the characters were so broad and clichéd, they could have been written by a grade-schooler. I fact, as a teacher, I would flunk a kid if they showed me this. Yes, we know all cops like donuts, but can you think of anything else…

  3. A surprsingly great book I have never heard of this publisher, and a quick search didn’t show a web presence, so I was leery about buying this book given the amount of poorly edited, terrible stories I’ve read by innocently purchasing ‘self published’ Kindle books. 

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