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Morning Star: Book III of the Red Rising Trilogy

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Darrow would have lived in peace, but his enemies brought him war. The Gold overlords demanded his obedience, hanged his wife, and enslaved his people. But Darrow is determined to fight back. Risking everything to transform himself and breach Gold society, Darrow has battled to survive the cutthroat rivalries that breed Society’s mightiest warriors, climbed the ranks, and waited patiently to unleash the revolution that will tear the hierarchy apart from within.

Finally, the time has come.

But devotion to honor and hunger for vengeance run deep on both sides. Darrow and his comrades-in-arms face powerful enemies without scruple or mercy. Among them are some Darrow once considered friends. To win, Darrow will need to inspire those shackled in darkness to break their chains, unmake the world their cruel masters have built, and claim a destiny too long denied – and too glorious to surrender.

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3 thoughts on “Morning Star: Book III of the Red Rising Trilogy

  1. Solid end to a great series Where book two was all octane and action scene after action scene, book three does a good job of stripping away the hubris and idealism that was the hallmark of Darrow’s character. In this book, you meet a more cautious man, weakened by those who he cared most about. Granted, the last installation of the series does not lack action by any means, but I did enjoy the deeper exploration into the characters themselves. I think it was a satisfying read overall, but after having read the first two…

  2. The Rising is here… set in a dystopian future where mankind has been divided by function and genetically engineered into castes this series follows the adventures of Darrow a lowly red societys slave toiling in the depts of inhospitable mars who as an agent of the revolution rises to the heights of socity and Impersonates not only Gold, the superhuman leaders of Society, but a Peerless Scarred the elite of the elite. 

  3. Stunning Conclusion to a Series that Exceeds All Hype Pierce Brown blasted onto the scene with his debut novel RED RISING, a captivating book that shattered all expectations and not only lived up to the hype built around it but exceeded it. Fortunately I didn’t get around to reading RED RISING until GOLDEN SON released and so I able to read them back-to-back. Somehow GOLDEN SON was even better than RED RISING, Fans will also know that GOLDEN SON left readers broken and bleeding on one of the greatest cliffhangers in the history of genre fiction…

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