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Neanderthal Seeks Human: A Smart Romance, Knitting in the City, Volume 1

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There are three things you need to know about Janie Morris:

She is incapable of engaging in a conversation without volunteering TMTI (Too Much Trivial Information), especially when she is unnerved, No one unnerves her more than Quinn Sullivan, and She doesn’t know how to knit.

After losing her boyfriend, apartment, and job in the same day, Janie Morris can’t help wondering what new torment fate has in store. To her utter mortification, Quinn Sullivan- aka Sir McHotpants- witnesses it all then keeps turning up like a pair of shoes you lust after but can’t afford. The last thing she expects is for Quinn – the focus of her slightly, albeit harmless, stalkerish tendencies – to make her an offer she can’t refuse.

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3 thoughts on “Neanderthal Seeks Human: A Smart Romance, Knitting in the City, Volume 1

  1. Loved it I’ve never written a review before but I loved this book. Janie was such an endearing character. The author did an incredible job creating her. She is quirky and cute without being forced or cliche. The way her relationship with Quinn adapted and grew reflected a true relationship. I appreciated that they had to work through realistic issues. I loved how they were able to communicate so well and it wasn’t a relationship solely based on sex. I find in a lot of romance books the main…

  2. Hilarious, Intriguing, Sexy not Slutty, Loved It Five stars are not enough to describe this book. After the mind-numbing rubbish in the contemporary romance market today, this book is a glorious breath of fresh air. Its smart, funny, sexy not slutty, and so incredibly witty. I was entranced and laughed most of the way through. The chemistry between the main characters was HOT and all without a single “hot, throbbing blah blah” or “wet slick channel” or “thrusting tongue” anywhere. I read this book in one sitting and wished desperately that…

  3. More Kissing than Knitting Okay, I’ll admit it; I usually don’t read romance novels. I’ll also admit that I didn’t care for the main title of the book either. What hooked me into giving it a try was the subtitle “Knitting in the City.” 

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