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New Contract: Perimeter Defense Series, Book 3

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The enemy’s at the gate, the situation getting worse by the second, and Ruslan’s employer hasn’t done a good job (to put it mildly) of securing his successes. Now the star system Unatari is under threat from the Aliens. It’s high time Ruslan came back in order to rescue everything he holds dear from imminent destruction and save Perimeter Defense – the game that has become his life.

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3 thoughts on “New Contract: Perimeter Defense Series, Book 3

  1. Excellent book Another excellent book in this series. This book whilst completing the trilogy does leave the ending open for a fourth book. 

  2. Where is book 4 Well I loved his first two, really like this one although it seemed he might of had writers block and had to force it in some places. His romance leaves a bit to be desired. His action is terse and to the point (in other words not drawn out forever). His world building is very very good. His political and build up remind me a bit of Clancy ( who I think is awesome…. well it was) To sum it up…. incredibly impatient for his next book.

  3. I loved the first two in the series and was really … I actually read very little of this because I had major issues with the way the story started playing out from the very first page. I loved the first two in the series and was really looking forward to this one but was fast let down in the main character and his actions.

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