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This program includes an introduction read by Bill O’Reilly.

Old School is in session….

You have probably heard the term Old School, but what you might not know is that there is a concentrated effort to tear that school down.

It’s a values thing. The anti-Old School forces believe the traditional way of looking at life is oppressive. Not inclusive. The Old School way may harbor microaggressions. Therefore, Old School philosophy must be diminished.

Those crusading against Old School now have a name: Snowflakes. You may have seen them on cable TV whining about social injustice and income inequality. You may have heard them cheering Bernie Sanders as he suggested the government pay for almost everything. The Snowflake movement is proud and loud, and they don’t like Old School grads.

So where are you in all this?

Did you get up this morning knowing there are mountains to climb-and deciding how you are going to climb them? Do you show up on time? Do you still bend over to pick up a penny? If so, you’re Old School.

Or did you wake up whining about safe spaces and trigger warnings? Do you feel marginalized by your college’s mascot? Do you look for something to get outraged about, every single day, so you can fire off a tweet defending your exquisitely precious sensibilities? Then you’re a Snowflake.

So again, are you drifting frozen precipitation? Or do you matriculate at the Old School fountain of wisdom?

This book will explain the looming confrontation so even the ladies on The View can understand it.

Time to take a stand. Old School or Snowflake. Which will it be?

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3 thoughts on "Old School: Life in the Sane Lane"

  1. Marlene Horningfrrrf says:

    old school funny and great read

  2. KRMD says:

    “Old School: Life in the Sane Lane” is the Latest Interesting, Engaging, and Thought-Provoking Book from Bill O’Reilly “Old School: Life in the Sane Lane” is an extremely interesting, engaging, and thought-provoking new book, written by mega-star Fox News commentator and best-selling author Bill O’Reilly, along with screenwriter and humorist Bruce Feirstein. “Old School: Life in the Sane Lane” examines the traditional values, attitudes, and fundamental life principles to which the Greatest Generation adhered, that generation of Americans whose ideals were largely shaped by the…

  3. K. Scott Schaeffer says:

    Not very political. It’s more of a culture wars book. Mike Huckabee wrote a book a few years ago in which he divided Americans into Bubbleville vs. Bubbaville. “Old School” promotes the same kind of us vs. them mentality, except this time it’s Old School vs. Snowflakes. The more you think like O’Reilly, the more you’re a righteous Old Schooler; the less you think like him, the more you’re a pathetic Snowflake. At least this approach is less likely to someday lead to a civil war than Huckabee’s…

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