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One Lavender Ribbon

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Can a stack of long-hidden love letters from a WWII war hero inspire a heartbroken woman to love again?

Reeling from a bitter divorce, Adrienne Carter abandons Chicago and retreats to the sun, sand, and beauty of Southern Florida, throwing herself into the restoration of a dilapidated old Victorian beach house. Early into the renovations, she discovers a tin box hidden away in the attic that reveals the emotional letters from a WWII paratrooper to a young woman who lived in the house more than a half-century earlier.

The old letters—incredibly poetic and romantic—transcend time, and they arouse in Adrienne a curiosity that leads her to track down the writer of the letters. William “Pops” Bryant is now an old man living in a nearby town with his handsome but overprotective grandson, Will. As Adrienne begins to unravel the secrets of the letters (and the Bryants), she finds herself not yet willing to give up entirely on love.

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3 thoughts on “One Lavender Ribbon

  1. Finally, a true modern romance This was far, far better than I expected it to be. It was a free Kindle First book, and generally I haven’t had much luck with Kindle Firsts being very good quality literature. And usually I hate modern romance because it’s all about sex.This book is an outstanding modern romance which is both good literature and good romance.First off: There’s no swearing or vulgarity in this book, which I found hugely refreshing. Second: the characters are actually believable. They’re…

  2. Never ending love This book is incredible and that is not something I say often in a review I write. It shows us that true love never dies even when apart for decades. There is the reminders of paying it forward and even going beyond that. Then there is taking chances because while the odds might seem insurmountable, it can be a great reward in the end beyond what money can buy.Will was a by-the-book, organized man who cringed when things were not going a certain way, especially if it is outside the…

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