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Origin: A Technothriller (Technothrillers)

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When linguist Andrew Dennison is yanked from his bed by the Secret Service and taken to a top secret facility in the desert, he has no idea he’s been brought there to translate the words of an ancient demon.

He joins pretty but cold veterinarian Sun Jones, eccentric molecular biologist Dr. Frank Belgium, and a hodge-podge of religious, military, and science personnel to try and figure out if the creature is, indeed, Satan.

But things quickly go bad, and very soon Andy isn’t just fighting for his life, but the lives of everyone on earth…

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3 thoughts on “Origin: A Technothriller (Technothrillers)

  1. Keeping Satan in box! Just a cracking good tale. Satan has been discovered-in an apparent coma, in South America and sent to a crypt in the American west. His keepers face a life sentence in a nuclear hardened shelter observing him. And, then one day he wakes up! 

  2. Wanted to like it I loved the premise but the characters’ actions just stretched credibility too far. When the creature starts talking, they don’t pull up a chair to listen. No, they go play raquetball. have a date. They spend chapters talking to each other, debating religious theory. 

  3. Campy Book That Held My Interest Maybe not a thinking man’s horror book, but loaded with well-defined characters and a storyline that moved at a brisk pace. Lots of memorable passages including the bloodcurdling for example “Bub twisted the sheep in half only a few feet away from her, a tangle of intestines stretching out between the pieces like hot mozzarella on a pizza” and “There could be no worse death…Or no greater death” to the wickedly funny like “I’m not a soldier. It’s not my job to fight the…

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