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Paradise Found: That Second Chance, Book 4

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It’s all about that second chance…

Paradise Found is Book Four of That Second Chance Series. These are standalone books tied together by a common theme – belief in the beauty of that second chance.

How does one see truly – with the heart or with the eyes? Matt Brandon has it all – wealth, power, looks, and talent. Women want him, men want to be like him. When a freak ski accident strips him of one of life’s most basic needs – his sight – he struggles to accept the possibility that his blindness may be permanent.

Enter psychologist Sara Hamilton, a woman who has known her own share of grief and loss and may just be the one person who can help Matt redefine his new world. Sara is every woman’s woman – she’s not a toothpick or a Cosmo girl, has never been prom queen, or dated the blond-haired god with the big white teeth. She’s honest and decent and real…and lives on the perimeter, applauding her patients’ successes, nursing them through their failures, but never acknowledging or accepting her own lackings. She’s loved and lost once and has been so emotionally scarred, she’s not willing to risk those feelings again.

Of course, she’s never met a man like Matt Brandon. As Matt and Sara explore the delicate balance between ‘blind’ trust and hope, they will discover that sometimes you have to lose everything to find what you are truly looking for…

That Second Chance Series:

Book One: Pulling Home
Book Two: The Way They Were

Book Three: Simple Riches
Book Four: Paradise Found

Book Five: Not Your Everyday Housewife

Book Six: The Butterfly Garden (coming 2014)

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3 thoughts on “Paradise Found: That Second Chance, Book 4

  1. potent contemporary tale The accident left Matthew Brandon blind and a recluse refusing to allow the world to see him. His despondent brother Adam begs family friend, psychologist Jeff Sanders, to fly across the continent to California to see Matthew. Though willing he cannot leave his wife pregnant with complications at this moment. Jeff asks his partner Sara Hamilton to fill in temporally until he can arrive. Sara believes Matthew contains the same negative traits as her ex-husband and wonders how she can…

  2. ugh i don’t know how everyone rated this story so high. our heroine was in a horrible marriage, got dumped. then she gets into a relationship with our sarcastic, verbally and emotional abusive “hero”. no matter how he acts with her, she loves him. he who only loves himself. she’s pathetic, he’s a lover of thousands, thinks it’s ok. i wanted to tell her to pick up her pride and go home. our hero chose to be angry with her when everything wasn’t going his way. UGH

  3. Marti’ s review I debated before purchasing this book because some of the reviews were not positive, but I purchased the book any way. I finished the book, but had to force myself to do it and I could not connect to the two main characters. The heroine a “doctor” that gets involved sexually with her patient, and the hero a very dislikeable playboy with a bad attitude. I like to care about the characters and connect with the story- I just couldn’t with this book. I have read other books by this author that I…

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