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Poe: An Alexandra Poe Thriller

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From Award-Winning Thriller Writers Brett Battles and Robert Gregory Browne

After losing her mother to a terrorist attack, Alexandra Poe was devastated when her father―disgraced and accused of treason―disappeared from the face of the earth. Now, over ten years and a stint in Iraq later, Alex is approached by a man who has information about her father and wants to help her find him.

But there’s a catch. The man works for Stonewell International, a security firm that specializes in fugitive acquisition. And in return for their help, Alex must agree to run point on an extremely dicey mission. One that will take her behind the walls of a brutal and dangerous women’s prison near the coast of the Black Sea.

When Alex finally agrees, she has no idea what she’s gotten herself into. She may find her father, but she could very well lose her life.

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3 thoughts on “Poe: An Alexandra Poe Thriller

  1. What a thrill! Absolutely loved this book. I was hooked from start to finish and left wanting more. Fast paced, great plot and some interesting characters with full on action – I read this in one sitting – I couldn’t put it down. Cleverly the authors did not reveal too much about Alex and the other characters’ backgrounds which leaves it open for further character development in the series. Needless to say I loved the character of Alex. Can’t wait for the next instalment.

  2. One + One = Three Put two established thriller authors together on a project and you might see sparks or you might see an implosion. The collaboration on POE, the first Alexandra Poe thriller, results in a nice, tight fireworks display. Maybe not a New Year’s Eve display off the Sydney Harbor bridge, but definitely up there with a mid-sized city’s Independence Day show. 

  3. It’s Like They Read My Mind This book has a fair number of ingredients that I find irresistible in a thriller: a tough, resourceful female lead (with heart); shady soldiers of fortune; even shadier organizations pulling strings; and international intrigue. It’s all mixed together by two of my favorite writers in a fast-moving, cleanly written, thoroughly engrossing book you’ll want to devour in one sitting. Well done, gentlemen. Well done.

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