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Queen of Hearts

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Lady Georgiana Rannoch, 35th in line for the British throne, knows how to play the part of an almost royal – but now she’s off to Hollywood, where she must reprise her role as sleuth or risk starring in an all-too-convincing death scene…

My mother, the glamorous and much-married actress, is hearing wedding bells once again – which is why she must hop across the pond for a quickie divorce in Reno. To offer my moral support, and since all expenses are paid by her new hubby-to-be, Max, I agree to make the voyage with her.

Crossing the Atlantic, with adventure in the air and wealthy men aboard, Mother all but forgets about Max and matrimony – especially when movie mogul Cy Goldman insists on casting her in his next picture.

Meanwhile, I find myself caught up in the secret investigation of a suspected jewel thief. Lucky for me, the lead investigator happens to be my dashing beau, Darcy!

Mother’s movie and Darcy’s larceny lead everyone to Cy’s Hollywood home, where the likes of Charlie Chaplin are hanging about and there’s enough romantic intrigue to fill a double feature. But we hardly get a chance to work out the sleeping arrangements before Cy turns up dead – as if there wasn’t enough drama already.

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2 thoughts on “Queen of Hearts

  1. Queen of Hearts Will Steal Yours Although Lady Georgian Rannoch’s mother is completely self-centered and mostly ignores Georgie, Clare has seemed to find some use for her daughter as an adult child. Georgie wisely takes advantage of her mother’s whims to include her on unexpected adventures. Claire Daniels has finally decided she will marry her wealthy German industrialist, but she must first divorce her American husband. The quickest way to do that is to travel to Reno, Nevada in the States, so Claire invites, or rather she…

  2. A good read but predictable with Darcy looking dim-witted and little in the way of character development This was a good read and interesting in that most of the story was centred in the US (although I am Australian). However, it didn’t quite have the same page-turning quality as previous books.Darcy O’Mara was almost made out to be little more than a dim-witted yet good looking man. Whilst it is enjoyable to have an intelligent sleuthing heroine, it is implausible that a young girl would always out sleuth everyone else. I would prefer to see Darcy and Georgie combine their…

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