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Quest of the Dreamwalker: The Corthan Legacy, Book 1

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Cara has been a prisoner all her life, shackled by a broken soul and fear of her father’s temper. When a mercenary captain is taken prisoner, he sparks something in her she doesn’t recognize – rebellion. Determined to save the captain’s life, she flees with him intent on leaving her past behind. It isn’t love that drives her father’s zealous pursuit, but a hidden magical birthright she never knew about. Now she must solve the puzzle of her past before her father kills everyone she loves in his bid to reclaim her.

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3 thoughts on “Quest of the Dreamwalker: The Corthan Legacy, Book 1

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this book I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The characters and world were rich and well developed, with intriguing histories. I can say the ending surprised me, I truly didn’t see that coming and can’t wait to read the next in the series to see where the story goes. This book does a good job of wrapping up the main problem while leaving plenty of bread crumbs to follow into the next book. So while I’m looking forward to the next, I don’t feel like I was short-changed at the end by an abrupt cliff-hanger…

  2. An amazing well written story that goes beyond just being a fantasy novel. Quest of the Dreamwalker is a must for anyone who is a fan of fantasy. But it goes well beyond just being a fantasy novel. It is an intense well written novel about a young woman who is trying to find herself. All the characters are dynamic, well written, and believable. Even the most minor of people who cross Cara’s path leave you wondering about what else is there just out of view. No character is a throw away characters just to fill a spot in the story. You begin to feel for…

  3. An epic adventure with suspense at every turn As Cara sets out to discover the truth about her past and her future, she is in for the adventure of a lifetime. Through wild lands teeming with magic, rambunctious clansmen, feisty huntresses, and giants, she must learn who to trust, and if she can even trust herself and the unexplained visions that overtake her. 

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